- Messages
- 1,155
- Points
- 193
About This File
Tested Minecraft Versions:
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16

Are you looking for a plugin that adds more layers of protection
to your server ? Then you are at the right place !
ProtocolFirewall is here to completely elimitate the chance of getting
griefed by players who are trying to lag, crash or exploit your server

- AntiClient (Blocks some modded clients from joining your server)
- Anti World Downloader
- Anti Laby Mod
- AntiExploiter (Block some well known server exploits)
- Anti Crash-Sign
- Anti UUID Spoofing
- Anti Ping Spoofing
- Anti Self Damage
- Anti Null Chunk
- Anti Null Ip-Address
- Anti Null Custom Payload
- Anti Packet Flooding
- CommandsVanisher (Vanishes choosen commands from your server)
- InternetSpeedTest (Calculates the average bandwidth of your server)
- IpAccountProt (Allows a specific IP to join from a specific account)
- IpBlocker (Blocked IPs can't see your server on their servers list)
- LagMap (Generates a TPS graph of the last 20 seconds)
- OpPlayersProt (Protects the OP permission)
- PacketsCounter (Calculates the Packets traffic of your server)
- Passwords (Allows players to set their own password if they want. Supports one-way encryption and MySQL too)
- ProxyChecker (Checks if an upcoming player uses proxy or not. If he does then he can't see your server in his servers list. Supports MySQL)
- ServerOptimizer (Prevents your server from crashing in a laggy situation such as large redstone machines)
- Emergency TPS Helper
- Hopper Optimizer
- TabBlocker (Blocks the tab completion for specific commands)
- ChatLogs (Logs every chat message. Messaging commands are supported)
- CommandLogs (Logs every command)
- PluginLogs (The logs of ProtocolFirewall)
- MySQL Support (Allows you to use MySQL to share some data between your servers)
- ServerMonitor (Opens a GUI that contains your server's stats such as Java Version, CPU Cores, RAM, Operating System)
- PlayerInfo (Opens a GUI that contains the data for a specific player. Uses MySQL)
- ChunksCounter (Generates a graph of the laggiest chunks)
- PhysicsDisabler (Allows you to toggle the physics permanently or for a specific amount of time)

Admin Commands:
- /pfadmin reload (Reloads all the configs) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin ipblocker <add/remove> <ip> (add or removes an IP from the IpBlocker) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin lagmap (Sents you the LagMap) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin chunks [amount] (Sents you the top laggiest chunks) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin internetspeed (Starts an Internet Speed Test) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin server (Opens the ServerMonitor) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin playerinfo <player> (Opens the PlayerInfo for a specific player) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin togglephysics (Toggles the physics) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin disablephysics [seconds] (Disables physics for a specific amount of time) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin goodip <add/remove> <ip> (adds or removes an IP from the GoodIps. GoodIps are ignored by the ProxyChecker and the IpBlocker modules) [pfadmin.use]
- /pfadmin updatebadips (A command to manually download the BadIps Database) [pfadmin.use]
Module Permissions:
- Permission to bypass the CommandsVanisher [pfcommands.bypass]
- Permission to bypass the TabBlocker [pftab.bypass]
Player Commands:
- /pass register <password> <confirmPassword> (Registers the player) [pf.password]
- /pass changePass <oldPassword> <newPassword> <confirmPassword> (Changes the password of the player) [pf.password]
- /pass login <password> (Logins the player) [pf.password]

- Install ProtocolLib
- Install ProtocolFirewall
- Restart the server
- Go to the config files and remove my name (GalaxyEaterGR) from every single one of them (This is extremely important)
- Add your Opped players to the Op-Players list that is located on the OpPlayersProt.yml
- Connect the MySQL
- Restart the server and you are ready to go
Download Link:
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