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Iris now supports Data Packs with Custom Biomes!
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You can create your own dimensions. Check out the documentation & get started making your own world types! You can also browse the templates provided by the Iris Team & community projects at https://github.com/IrisDimensions
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f200db51c610f6f6859f54d/c0a3edd1-4998-4d1e-9aff-4a8166b422ac/2021-07-15_21.33.41.png?format=750w)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f200db51c610f6f6859f54d/5f96eb72-4683-44ad-ad34-64f781d4759f/2021-07-16_08.11.12.jpg?format=2500w)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f200db51c610f6f6859f54d/a9f450c0-73fb-4f2a-a660-126c87fd34b3/2021-07-16_08.29.24.jpg?format=2500w)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f200db51c610f6f6859f54d/ea6441af-e75b-45a0-bead-6ad9d87a3e80/2021-07-16_07.36.16.jpg?format=2500w)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f200db51c610f6f6859f54d/a9923710-ba0d-48e8-9619-4497636d7e07/2021-07-16_08.27.14.jpg?format=2500w)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f200db51c610f6f6859f54d/77200984-c92b-4ce1-9a0c-f5828a1c5469/2021-07-16_07.43.28.jpg?format=2500w)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f200db51c610f6f6859f54d/b19d61ba-01dc-4eb6-ab8c-976bc2cec3a3/2021-07-16_08.12.41.jpg?format=2500w)
View all Images at Volmit.com/software/iris
Iris is a full featured generator, here is a detailed list of all the features currently supported.
- NEW! Custom Biomes via Data Packs! You can now give your biomes custom colors for leaves, grass, water & sky!
- NEW! MCA Pregenerator, Depending on your processor you can turn 15 chunks per second into 90 or higher per second!
- The Iris Overworld has over 100 biomes, 2,000 schematics & loads of detail. You can view the overworld project at https://github.com/IrisDimensions/overworld
- Fully customizable dimensions with "projects". Make your own biomes, regions, schematics & decorations with ease.
- Iris has a "Studio" mode which allows you to design dimensions in schema supported json (autocomplete)
- No biome limits
- As you design your world, keep flying & see your changes hotload into the generator
- Iris cannot cascade, ever! It generates schematics (objects) in a separate region space (memory & storage) then writes only the cross-sections into generating chunks. It's called the Parallax Layer
- Fast biome finding with /iris goto
- Project downloading & generating from github
Iris is a fully featured terrain generator. Terrain features are specific to what Iris is capable of generating
- NEW! The NOWHERE Noise Generator, looks like the IRIS noise generator but 300% faster!
- NEW! Iris Jigsaw now allows you to define Villages, Strongholds and even your own custom structures!
- NEW! Parallax Vacuuming, Allows placed objects to "suck" the terrain up to the bottom of the placed object.
- Unlimited 3D Biomes
- Cave Biomes
- Region Specific Shore, Ocean & Land Biomes
- Biome Spot & Ridge Overrides
- Total BlockState abstraction: Define block states fully, not just the types
- More than 50 noise generator types to choose from (when designing worlds) Simplex, Perlin, Cellular, Static, Fractal FBM to name a few
- A new type of interpolation, designed for Iris: STARCAST. Take a look here for more details. Bilinear, BiHermite, BiCubic, Starcast & Other tension variants included.
- 3D Noise Carving
- Per Biome noise generation with height-bound based interpolation for smoothness instead of raw noise interpolation.
- Schematics (Objects) up to 512 x 256 x 512 blocks
- Fully featured structure system which supports infinite structures
- Support for custom block states (custom block/resource packs)
- Deposit Generators (Used for ore gen usually). Make deposits of any type and size.
- Multi layered decorations (decorates caverns caves, under carvings)
Super huge thanks for the Biome ideas, Trees, Colors, and more to Pryxes, Festive, exsilit, Feh2, entebriesje, LanguageCraft Plutouthere, Nowhere, Coco, Relavis, StangeOne101 and the others who also submitted content via the upload with no names. Thank you all who helped in developing Iris become what it is today!
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